

Higher is better Higher is better I could keep repeating this all day. Some like to cut their lawn short, well be in store for issues- more weeds, thinning, bare spots disease and yes fungus. The taller the grass the more leaf blade. This is more shade for soil, more Chlorophyll for making energy and this in return cause deeper roots to supply a larger plant. I advise 3-31/2”

Many have grass cutter and do not have direct control. Talk to your guy ask him nicely. Ask him to mow in different directions to avoid paths or ruts. Ask him to cut you early in the morning This will help prevent drought stress. What happens when you cut lettuce? It wilts due to evaporation out the cut ends. Same thing happens to grass. See watering but always try to water after cutting on warm to hot days.

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When you should and when shouldn’t you seed? Fall is always the best time to seed. Mid to late September when temps drop to cool nights. This will allow grass


This is probaly the number one quetiona asked. The answer isn’t a simple time or number.1st try never to water late evening or at night. Humid moist thatch and soil